paper towel holder

Paper Towel Holder

I enjoy trying to combine fused glass with other mediums.  The paper towel holder is a combination of welded steel and fused glass. 

The fused glass required two separate firing.  The first firing was a full fuse for the cat’s head and eyes.  The second firing was a partial fuse to fused the cat’s facial features to the cat’s head.  Using two firing gives the cat a two dimension look.  It requires more work, but it is worth the extra effort. 

 To ensure the cat’s feet are level, I tacked welded the feet to a steel plate.  After the cat is welded, the support plate is removed by grinding the tack welds.  I was trying to prevent the cat from wobbling on three legs and it worked. 

 To support the fused glass, I welded a steel plate that was cut slightly smaller than the fused glass.  I attached the fused glass to the steel plate using silicone.